Learning Turkish and its grammar

Learning Turkish and its grammar

Hi everybody!

Today I will try to teach you learning Turkish!  Here, I left some examples about Turkish language and its grammar, enjoy it!

Word list – Let’s learn some words first!! 🙂

Merhaba = hello

Selam = hi

Ben = me

Sen = you

Biz = we

Siz = you (for more than one person and also used for more polite way to say “you” for one person)

Kendi = own (Kendim = my own self, kendin = your own self)

Benim = my

Git = go

Gel = come

Nasıl = how

İyi = good, fine

Kötü = bad

Bil = know

Ye = eat

İç = drink

Ev = home

Uç = fly

Yap = make,do

Ver = give

Al = get,take

Yürü = walk

Koş = run

Konuş = speak


To (do) examples

To do,to go,to walk,to get etc.. words in Turkish is like git-mek gel-mek, yürü-mek (includes -mek, mak etc at the end of the word.  Mak and mek which included contributed to say like “to do,to go,to get,to etc. etc..”   depends on the word’s pronounciation, gitmek = to go  and  olmak = to be  it changes to mak or mek because the word before it has pronounciation difference “)

For example: I want to make pasta =  Makarna yapmak(to make) istiyorum.

Gitmek = to go

Gelmek = to come

mak = to fly

İstemek = to want

Sana = to you

Bana = to me

Bize = to us

Bilmek = to know


“t o where” examples

This is like “I’m going home” eve gidiyorum

Ev = home | eve = to (home)

İş = office | işe = to office

Okul = school | okula = to school

In Turkish, when you need to use “to (anywhere)” then you have to put e,a,ye,ya at the end of the word. It must not be seperated after the word.  a,e,ye,ya are used to determine the target for like  where you’re going to or what address you’re sending to and they (a,e,ya,ye) are not stable and can change with other words, it depends on the pronounciation of the word.  If the word is  “iş”  you have to put “e” at the end to determine “to office”.   The word Okul doesn’t require “e” at the end because it’s pronounciation is a bit different. You can understand this logic later, you have to practice it..  It’s like countable and uncountable things in English , you have to guess e or a or ye or ya for it depends on it’s pronounciation 🙂


-ing..  examples

This is like go-ing,fly-ing,com-ing etc..”

Gidiyor = going

Geliyor = coming

Uçuyor = flying

Alıyor = getting, taking


I’m/we’re/they’re  …-ing

To determine for I’m “…ing”

I’m ..ing – The word “um” at the end of -ing (yor) determines for I’m …ing (going,walking,coming etc..)

Geliyorum = i’m coming

Gidiyorum = i’m going

Yürüyorum = i’m walking

Without the “um” word, it will sound like just “coming” (doesn’t specify about what’s coming); geliyor = coming, gidiyor = going , yürüyor = walking” but when you add the “um” word at the end then it specifies that “you are” coming,going,walking etc..


You’re ..ing – The word “sun” at the end of -ing (yor) determines for you are …ing (go-ing,walk-ing,com-ing etc..)

Geliyorsun = you’re coming

Gidiyorsun = you’re going

Yürüyorsun = you’re walking


We’re ..ing – The word “uz” at the end of -ing (yor) determines for we’re …ing (going,walking,coming etc..)

Geliyoruz = we’re coming

Gidiyoruz = we’re going

Yürüyoruz = we’re walking


They’re ..ing – Those words “lar or ler (depends on the pronounciation)” at the end of -ing (yor) determines for they’re …ing (going,walking,coming etc..)

Geliyorlar = they’re coming

Gidiyorlar = they’re going

Yürüyorlar = they’re walking


It’s ..ing  –  As you know that in English, they call each as she or he..  But this doesn’t apply in Turkish. In Turkish, there is only one word to call for (she/he/it) they only say “o” for she/he/it.

O geliyor = It’s coming

O gidiyor = It’s going

O yürüyor = It’s walking


Turkish Grammar – For example

Turkish grammar may look so different and very difficult but don’t forget that,every language in this life has its own difficulty.. You can learn this language in a short time if you study it well of course..

How to make word in Turkish for i’m …(walk,run,fly..) ing

+word +ing +you’re or I am / they’re / we’re

For a word, choose a word from words list (scroll up to see the word list)

Selected word: Yürü (walk) now we will make this word for “I’m walking”

Yürü(walk)-yor(-ing)-um(i’m) = Yürüyürom  – I’m walking


Simple past tense in Turkish – Did, Didn’t examples

You have to put “dım,din,dık,dik,dum,düm.. (depends on the pronounciation of the word front of it)” at the end of the word..

For example..

TV izledim = I watched TV   (izlemek = to watch, izle = watch when you say izledim then it means i did watch)

Yürüdüm = I walked

Oynadık = we played (oynamak = to play)

Oynamadın = you didn’t play

O gelmedi = It didn’t come

O geldi = It (did) came

Otu = It (did) flew

Omadı = It didn’t fly


Past Continuous Tense in Turkish

+word +ing + was/were +i /he/she/they

O gidiyordu = it was going

Gidiyordum = I was going – you have to determine I,You,They,She,He things at the end +word+ing+[dum] (i/he/she was ..ing)

TV izliyordum = I was watching TV

Koşuyordum = I was running

Yürüyordun = you were walking

Yürüyorduk = we were walking

Yürüyorduk = we weren’t walking

Geliyorlardı = they were coming (lar = they)


+Word Of +word examples in Turkish..

You have to use “si,sı,i,ı.. (depends on the pronounciation)” things at end of the word.. depends on the pronounciation.

+Word1 +Word2+si,sı (University of word1)

Üniversite means “university”;

Fatih Üniversitesi = University of Fatih

Acıbadem Hastanesi = Hospital of Acıbadem

İstanbul koleji = College of Istanbul


How to use At/In/On things in Turkish language

“da,de” depends on the pronounciation.


Masa = desk,  Masada = on the desk

İstanbul (city),  İstanbul’da = at Istanbul

Mardin (city), Mardin’de = at Mardin

Saha = pitch, Sahada = on the pitch

But if you leave a space after the word like  masa da instead of masada example.. Then it will be like “also desk”

O da haklı = He is right too

Onların sahası da var = they have their own pitch too

Onlar bu maçı bu sahada oynayacak = They will play this match on this pitch


How to say her,his,it’s in Turkish

Her/His/Its (all in one) = onun

o = he/she/it     his/her/its = onun

Alex’in  = Alex’s


What’s the top comma in Turkish?

(this page will be updated by me as soon as possible..)

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